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Whew! A forum is a LOT of work...

The reason I haven't been doing much music stuff so far this week is because I've been very busy setting things up! I still have more to set up, but for later! XD It took quite a while (maybe a bit longer than necessary) putting together my custom theme and adding some awesome features to it. I'm really interested in this Zombie Apocalypse game. It just looks hilarious to me. I'm even putting some roleplay into it, just to get creative and make it a bit more amusing, bringing over some characters from games, movies, and TV shows that have experience fighting zombies. I also want to bring in extra monster NPCs! It's something to put more flavor into this game. I think many will enjoy this, not just myself, and my friend who's the only other moderator besides me so far.

I just saw that is down, as I'm updating this entry. Oh no, that sucks! I hope it will be back online soon. Not only do I enjoy listening to my fave musicians on there, but I love some of the games that have been created, as well as some amazing art, and forums I visit every now and then.

It's no fun when an awesome website gets buggy...

As for my awesome website, perhaps I'll put more music up sometime soon--some more of my older stuff. My earliest tracks I have are still on three CDs, so I just have to rip them onto the computer hard drive, convert the files to mp3, and put them up on the music page! I'm very sure most of them are 15 MB or under. I only want to share the ones I still think are good, not the awful stuff! (Gosh, if you even want to hear something bad I've done, register on, search "SilverFox Jams" on the site, and listen to Welcome to Egypt. Or, you can just take my word that it is horrible! Also, my first two remixes I've ever done is on that account. They fall weak or sucky in places though. I had great ideas, but I didn't really put enough work into making them sound right.)

I also want to add more art. I've been in artsy moods on and off these past few weeks. Photography and graphics things, pretty much. I think I want to take my old phone and take more pictures sometime. What I will take pictures of, I have no idea. I'm guessing I'll take interesting ones. They ought to be anyway, or else I won't keep them...

I also would like to try and plan for another podcast. I think I'll cover some things about the great free forum service I've discovered, and mention this nice forum that I think has potential for greatness, for people to be there for one another in this one online community I've recently discovered and registered to.

As I love diving into my own realm of creativity, I am also very aware of what's happening out there in the world. People are just nasty to each other sometimes, and there's this mass conspiracy going on about the Illuminati, and that the people in the highest of power aren't really people... Though, I don't wish to go too deeply into that on here, or on a future podcast. Though, I wrote a poem about it, and I think I'll post on my forum sometime.

If you're reading this and want a forum similar to mine, then get a free account on It's an excellent service, and you can customize it with these cool features such as the Zombies plugin, and NPC characters you can allow just staff or both staff and members to control. (Though, on mine, I think I prefer to just let forum staff control the NPCs I bring.) You can make your own theme, or install the custom themes that are available.

Last but not least, I recommend you at least have a look at my forum community. Anyone is welcome to register and become a member on it! All musicians, artists, writers, and even gamers are welcome. ^_^

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